QMAC Invites Students for ‘Open Doors Week’
Open Doors Week is a UK-wide initiative that takes young people and those looking for a change of career safely behind the scenes of a construction project to showcase the fantastic career opportunities available in the construction industry. As part of Open Doors Week, QMAC Construction will welcome visitors to its site in Holywood. The event will allow young people to witness the range of skills and people that are involved in delivering a complex construction project.
Date and times: We would like to welcome visitors on Wednesday 19th March 2025 at the following time slots:
Session 1: 10am
Session 2: Noon
Session 3: 2pm
Each session will last 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Meeting location: 18-22 Hibernia Street, Holywood, Co. Down, BT18 9JE
Personal protective equipment (PPE): As this is a live site, all visitors will be provided with a high-visibility vest and a hard hat to tour the site.
Educational visit: This event is aimed at educational institutions to showcase the construction industry to young people. Members of the public are also welcome to book a place.
Registration: To learn more and register to attend, click here.
The event has been organised as part of an initiative by Construction Futures, which is a company operated jointly by the Construction Employers Federation (CEF) and the employee representatives from the Unite and GMB.

The site of the new headquarters building in Holywood for Radius Housing. The project involves the construction of a new office building located on the previous Habinteg Housing Association site at 18-22 Hibernia Street. The work includes connection into and the refurbishment of the existing adjoining Moyra Mitchell premises.