Steel Frame Complete at New Gate Arts & Culture Centre
Work on a c. £1.6m contract with Derry City and Strabane District Council which involves the construction of an extension as well as the refurbishment of New Gate Arts & Culture Centre in Derry/Londonderry is progressing well. The steelwork for the superstructure of the extension has been recently completed. The next few days will see the concrete poured for the ground floor. After that, different trades will commence on each floor while work continues on the refurbishment of the existing building.
This project is registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme.
See below for photographs of the existing building as well as a photograph taken of visitors from North West Learning Disability Centre who enjoyed a presentation and Q&A session to learn about the new facilities that will be available when the facility opens.
To view a two-minute video which shows an artist’s impression of the facility on completion, click below.